Bob Barr: A Real Choice Video
The Bob Barr campaign has released a new video that is a video montage of statements Obama and McCain have said regarding different issues along with statements Barr have said and how he is different from both of them.
The Bob Barr campaign has released a new video that is a video montage of statements Obama and McCain have said regarding different issues along with statements Barr have said and how he is different from both of them.
Another good interview with Bob Barr. During the interview Barr discusses how he opposed the the ’98 pork packing of the budget bill while most others that usually push for small government were supportive of it. They also discuss Defense of Marriage Act, his conversion to the Libertarian Party, the Iraq war and illegal drugs.
Below is an hour long interview of Bob Barr on Glen Beck discussing various issues such as economics, global warming, libertarianism, social security, taxes, war, energy, drugs, gun control, federal reserve, free market, and more.
The Libertarian Party has nominated Bob Barr to be the official candidate for President and Wayne Allyn Root to be the Vice-President. The selection of these two candidates was quite controversial as both are new to the party and have had some anti-libertarian views in the past.