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Is April 15th a day of fear and loathing for you?
Does your 1040 crank up your tension level?
Is filling out and filing tax forms causing you deep psychic pain?
Maybe you have a bad attitude.
Carla Howell, sponsor of the 2002 Massachusetts ballot Initiative to End the Income tax, offers a suspiciously upbeat way to view taxes with her song: How Could I Live Without Filing Taxes?
Processing an alphabet soup of state, federal, and local forms costs taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year.
But without a constant flow of tax revenues — that increase every year — politicians are unable to fund the ever-bigger budgets they’re creating. Without our help, all their favorite Big Government Programs would go belly up.
“It doesn’t matter whether you find Big Government Programs helpful, wasteful, or damaging. If you don’t file your taxes, you might end up in jail. So when you’re filing, you might as well put on a happy face!” said Ms. Howell.
Carla Howell is offering free distribution of How Could I Live Without Filing Taxes? for non-commercial use and for radio broadcast. Anyone is free to send or swap a digital audio copy of the March 2001 release version of her song posted at her web site, play it on-air, or post it to another web site free of charge.
Carla Howell’s ballot Initiative to End the Income Tax in Massachusetts won 45.3% of the vote – nearly setting off a major tax revolt. She proposed making government so small — we don’t need an income tax.
Carla Howell says, “small government is beautiful”.
For PC users:
Download How Could I Live Without Filing Taxes? in MP3 format (highest quality, requires 2MB download)
**Note: If you are having download problems via Netscape, try right-clicking on the link to save the file instead or switch to Internet Explorer to download the file.
For Macintosh users (shorter filename):
Download How Could I Live Without Filing Taxes? in MP3 format (highest quality, requires 2MB download)