As you may know, the income taxes will soon be due. I will be working on my mine this week with the goal of having it completed by the end of the week and getting back to something far more productive.
I will be using a great service called to complete and file the forms. This will be my 2nd year using the service and I must say it’s great. The site is run by Intuit and site utilizes their TurboTax software. The site allows you to file your federal income taxes free of charge if you are under 50 and made under $50,000 in 2005. To file state income taxes, they charge $19.95. If you don’t qualify for free federal file, you can still use the service for $9.95.
The service does all the hard work for you, it allows you to store all your past returns on their system, and submits all the forms electronically so you don’t have any paperwork to mess with.
I strongly recommmend It makes the tax filing process less… taxing. 🙂
Full Disclosure: We are an Authorized TurboTax Affiliate.