Below is an interview with Gary Johnson on national issues. In the interview Gary Johnsons supports:
More competition/ free market in healthcare
Balanced budgets
Auditing and/or ending the federal reserve
Commodity backed currency
Out of Libya
Pro choice up to late term/ pro parental notification
Strict interpretation of the constitution and bill of rights
Ending foreign aid
Military alliances with Isreal and other partners
Ending NAFTA and other free trade agreements (as he believes they only promote support of corporate interests and do not promote free trade
Make work visas easy to get, allow illegal immigrants a grace period to get work visas, no work place visa quotas, let the market determine the demand
Legalize marijuana, addresses border violence by taking the money out of drug trade, violence goes away – legalize and tax/regulate,
Green energy movement
If Gary Johnson decides to run for president in 2012, he could be a good possible candidate.
However, he would most likely run as Republican which would most likely mean he will not get too far as I don’t believe the National Republican party would let him get too far, they would most likely do whatever necessary to marginalize his efforts, like what happened with Ron Paul. He will not make it past the primary.
I would rather see him seek the Libertarian nomination or run as an independent so that he could at least be in the race when it comes time for the people to vote.