Jeremy’s Personal Statement Video now Online
Today I finally got a video I filmed a while back online. I filmed it while I was practicing for last week’s debates. It’s my personal statement regarding why I’m running for city council.
Today I finally got a video I filmed a while back online. I filmed it while I was practicing for last week’s debates. It’s my personal statement regarding why I’m running for city council.
The Peace and Justice Center sent all candidates a survey of how they feel about livable wage polices. The had two questions and we had to keep our answers to 75 words or less. I am posting the questions and my responses below…
The residents of Heineburg Senior Housing had invited some candidates to meet with them and so they could discuss the issues with us, hear what we have to say and to give them more information on making their decision on town meeting day.
Today I was featured as Candidate of the Day on the You can view the post below or click here to go to the article on…
My letter to the editor was published in the Burlington Free Press. The full text is below.
My letter to the editor was published in the Burlington Free Press. The full text is below: