The following letter to the editor was published in the Burlington Free Press on February 7, 2006.
We need a more open and honest city government that people will trust. The city needs to seek more public input on its actions and proceed slowly and carefully with big decisions. I believe the tax burden within the city and the state is far too high and needs to be lowered. To do this we need to cut excessive regulations, over-spending and take back more local control over city finances and schools. We need to work to keep our tax dollars in the city. Allow parents, teachers and students to decide what’s best for our schools and get the politicians out of the way. The city should not be engaging in new projects that result in increased taxes. Now is not the time to take on additional burdens.
Many people I know, myself included, have tightened their personal budgets and I believe the city must do so as well. We need to find and eliminate waste from the city government budget and make the departments more efficient. Furthermore, the city should restrict the city’s spending increases to inflation and population increases. Any increases beyond this should require a super-majority vote of 2/3 to 4/5 by the voters. The city should focus on the basics, such as roads, police, fire and water treatment and run these departments efficiently while maintaining a high level of service. The city should reduce excessive regulation to help bring back business, jobs and housing that’s affordable to Burlington.
Vote for Jeremy Ryan for City Council.
The writer is a candidate for Ward 7 City Council.