Heavenly and I, and Glyn Wilkinson attended the Vermont Libertarian Party Convention. I feel it was a great gathering of liberty-minded people of Vermont.
In the morning session, Hardy Machia, the chair, announced that we have reached our goal of $10,000 fundraising to help support candidates for state representative races. Click here to read the press release on this. Congratuations to Hardy for his efforts on this and a big thanks to everyone who contributed and another big thanks and good luck to everyone who is considering running.
Then we revised our state party platform for reflect current issues going on in the state… I will post a copy of it once I get the final draft. I think it’s something we can all be very proud of.
We then had a very nice lunch and time for us to converse with each other on what’s happening in our towns and about further plans for the party. After lunch, we were treated to a speech and Q/A from Ethan Allen himself. 🙂
Then we heard from several great guest speakers on important issues related to Vermont, including:
- Rob Williams, Vermont Commons/Second Vermont Republic
- Martin Harris, Citizens for Property Rights
- Rob Roper, Vermont FreedomWorks
- Professor Frank Bryan, – Writer, humorist, and foremost expert on Town Meeting Democracy
We also had some excellent vendors distributing literature and discussing their issues including,
Then we ended the convention with time for socializing. This was my first VTLP conference and I think it was a great one… plan to attend the next one and would encourage anyone interested in liberty issues in Vermont to attend. The event helped give us all hope for the future of Vermont.
Also, Heavenly took some photos from the event which you can view by clicking here.
I will be following up with individual blog posts regarding each speaker as what they said and their ideas that I would like to cover is too much to include in a single post.
More information:
- Vermont Libertarian Party – http://www.vtlp.org
- Vermont Commons/Second Vermont Republic – http://www.vermontrepublic.org
- Citizens for Property Rights – http://www.cprvt.org
- Vermont FreedomWorks – http://www.freedomworks.org/vermont/
- Professor Frank Bryan – http://www.uvm.edu/~fbryan/aboutprof.html
- Free State Project – http://www.freestateproject.org
- Ethan Allen Institute – http://www.ethanallen.org
- Gun Owners of Vermont – http://www.gunownersofvermont.org
May 4, 2006 @ 12:00 am
Thanks for posting them & Happy Birthday! 🙂
May 7, 2006 @ 12:00 am
Do the libertarians have any candidates? just wondering.