Wow, what a storm! Over the weekend, Heavenly and I finally finished clearing our driveway of snow. We shoveled 3 times on the day of the storm, a couple times after and then finally cleared a second spot for visitors on Sunday.
Yesterday, I was remarking about how difficult it is to find places to put the snow with our small yard. They say we got a little over 25 inches of snow here in Burlington.
I couldn’t imagine what we would have done if we got the 11 feet of snow that other people got in New York. That would be just crazy to deal with if you have very small yard… you would need to have it trucked out or something.
Heavenly and I took a few pictures of us shoveling snow and of across the road at the shopping center on North Ave. Click here to view them. Feel free to reply and add your own photos!
Also, click here for some photos that Heavenly took of the Ice Sculpture contest on Church street from the the Winter Festival.