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  1. cidman2001
    May 28, 2007 @ 12:00 am

    Yeah…pass it along to the consumer in the form of higher prices. We couldn’t possibly take the hit out of our epotentialy growing corporate profits. God forbid some CEO can’t afford to trade up his Hummer this year….and to those in the middle of the wage scale…shut up with your “relative worth crap”…you’re already making a decent wage. Raising the standard of living for those at the bottom requires the rest of us to sacrifice. Let some business owners and CEOs live for 120 days on minimum wage, just like the Congessmen who had to live on food stamps. Apparently, you’ve been drinking the Chamber of Commerce Kool-aid that has had people believing this warped perspective for years. They even have you believing you’ve “seen it with your own eyes”. This is Republican fuzzy math at its worst, and assumes a chain of events that is highly unlikely to happen, because at the end of the day, they still need someone to sweep the sidewalks and bag groceries whether it costs them $5.25 per hour or it costs them $10 per hour. I say put the minimum wage at a reasonable level and then tie it to Congressional pay raises!


  2. Jeremy Ryan
    May 31, 2007 @ 12:00 am

    Hello Cid,

    Thank you for your comment.  From what I understand you also believe that increasing minimum wages will cause inflation through higher prices, but you believe that others higher up should not receive a wage increase as a result to meet the new costs of living.

    You you also suggest that its the corportations that are the problem in that you believe that they are over-paying people at the top and paying people at the bottom the minimum wage.  I believe this to be false, as I haven’t seen any major corporation that pays employees the minimum wage (especially when including benefits). In fact, many corporations including Walmart were for the minimum wage increase as it would force smaller competitors (local small businesses) to pay more for their employees making it harder for them to compete against large retailers.

    This is where the job loses often come in… where small operators or people wanting to start a new business see all the restrictions on business and the minimum wage and it scares them away from starting a new business.  They simply don’t bother because they simply cannot afford to pay someone so much per hour and often times a small business owner is making less minimum wage themselves when starting a business or going through rough economic times in their business.

    The minimum wage also hurts the unskilled person from competing with skilled labor.  If someone has no skills or cannot work the schedule and employer asks, shouldn’t they have the right to offer there services for a rate below $7.25 in exchange for a more flexible schedule or training?  What right does the government have in saying a person cannot offer their services for whatever fee they want?

    You also implied that I make more than the minimum wage and that I should allow others the chance to make more.

    I actually average a little less than the minimum wage. Of course I hope to make more in future years and I’m working very hard to make this happen, which is the way it should be.  No one would should demand a $7.25/hr or $10/hr wage.  You start where you can and go up from there through hard work.

    Again, I appreciate your comments and hope you will comment again in the future.

    Jeremy Ryan


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