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  1. Jim
    April 13, 2006 @ 12:00 am


    Respectfully, I must argue against your “jobs American’s won’t do” point.  Americans will not pick lettuce, or landscape yards, or clean hotels for $2 and hour, why, because it is illegal.  There is a Federal minimum wage, employers hire illegals because they are willing to work below min. wage.  Yes this keeps product prices down, but it is exploitation of the illegal worker as well.  I support a guest worker program (with proper controls), allowing up to 10 million regulated, low-skilled workers to fill these position that “Americans won’t do”, but border security must prevail here.  Open borders is fine, as far as legal entry is monitored, walking across at any time, any place is absurd.   I know people are against “the war”, but we are at war, and to leave our borders so blatantly open is suicide.  The studies you refer to in the Gov. benefits abuse only cover immigrants here legally.  The abuse people talk of (who are educated on the issue) are the drain on health care, education, and the fraudulent access to social services.  An Arizona Sherrif wrote a short news article some years ago about the welfare abuse in his state.  He said on the first business day of any month,you could sit in the US Post Office parking lot, and see hordes of cars with Sonoran license plates come in, collect their welfare checks (all you need is a mailing address to receive benefits), cash the checks at local banks, only ID needed to cash a check since it is from the State, and then drive back across the border.     Other than paying sales tax, how many of the approx. 15 million illegals in the US pay income taxes?  If they are, it is because they have fraudulent SS#’s, so not only are they breaking the law for being here, but they violate Federal law by using fake ID’s as well.  Americans have to stand up to this invasion, peoples sensabilities can not be worried about.  However, we do need to treat people fairly.  Illegals are exploited, yes, but if they weren’t here illegally, they wouldn’t be.  US policy needs to improve NAFTA, and pressure the Mexican Government to fight corruption.  The question here needs to be; why do people want to leave Mexico?  The Mexican Gov. loves the illegals because they send their paychecks back to Mexico, to the proported tune on billions a year, that is good for the Mexican economy, not ours.  The solution is increased border security and enforcement; automatic detention and deportation; no extension of amnesty or “fast-track” citizenship; preservation of tax-subsidized medical, educational, and social services for American citizens and documented immigrants only; strong penalties against employers who hire illegal aliens; the Americanization of new legal immigrants; legislation against “birthright citizenship” for illegal aliens; and a regulated guest-worker program for low-skilled laborers.


  2. Paul
    April 13, 2006 @ 12:00 am

    Americans won’t do the jobs because they make $25,000+ a year off welfare, medicaid, and other programs. Add an extra $10k per year for each kid they have in government schools.

    I know Vermonters who have never worked a day in their life, yet they buy their kids snowmobiles and motorcycles for Christmas or birthdays.

    The federal minimum wage law only applies to companies employing more than 25 people.

    Jeremy’s post answered Jim’s concern about illegals taking welfare. Stop giving out welfare as the CATO guy said. Fix the problem, don’t waste more of our tax dollars trying to fix a system that you can’t fix.

    Let’s give any illegal workers permits to work so they can be legal and let them work. If some American wants the job then they better improve their work ethic and be willing to offer their services at the going rates.


  3. Kevin Ryan
    April 17, 2006 @ 12:00 am


    I agree that the biggest single problem with granting citizenship to illegal aliens, or any immigrants, is allowing them access to social services.  Problem is, they are considered an entitlement, or a right, and everyone is supposed to get them…good luck taking that off the table.

    As for Jim’s idea of removing citzenship for babies born in the United States to illegal parents, that’s really scary.  We’ve allowed natural born people to be automatic citizens since we started the US.  It’s a short step from there to deciding that you don’t get citizenship if your parents are convicted drug or sex offenders, or if you don’t get a social security number or immunization in time.

    Trouble with all this is, that we’ve already decided that rights do not apply to aliens, as only citizens have them in many cases.  However, the 14th amendment guarentees that the government shall not, “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

    Kevin Ryan


  4. Haik Bedrosian
    April 19, 2006 @ 12:00 am

    I agree with Kevin.


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