LTE Regarding Sales Tax Published!
The following letter to the editor was published in the Burlington Free Press on January 9, 2006.
The following letter to the editor was published in the Burlington Free Press on January 9, 2006.
Public discussion regarding the proposed closing of Barnes school.
The big topic tonight was the southern connector. To continue or not to continue was the question.
Legislative report from Mark Larsen regarding proposal to use an income tax to fund public education and problems with corrections budget as well as public forum and debate on proposed Universal Healthcare.
We attended the Housing Super-Committee tonight. The discussion was about what can be done to improve the housing situation in Burlington.
The stated purpose of the new rent control resolution proposed by councilors Fiermonte, P-Ward 3 and Ashe, P-Ward 3 is to help fix high rents. While the resolution was written with good intentions, the practice of rent control does not work. The problem is based on simple economics. The supply is less than the demand and you do not fix the supply by attacking it.
Tonight we attended the health care public forum put on by the Commission on Health Care Reform. The crowd overwhelmingly supported the proposed Universal Healthcare Bill. From what I heard, I think people, myself included, are a bit confused on what we would be getting.
We finished our petition! Tonight we got the 17 signatures we needed for a total of 45. To be on the ballot we actually need 30, however its suggested to gather 45 so that you are covered if there are any errors.
We attended the Moran Plant Public Forum at the Burlington High School. We now have a lot more choices to choose from.
We have held off from finishing the petition the last few days because of the rain. Tonight, we attended the Armory Open House, which was to get citizens to see what the Armory looked like and encourage ideas from the public.