Click here to view the election results
As you may know by now we lost the election, but we all did a great job that we can be very proud of. Most people I talked to didn’t really know what a Libertarian was or who I was. We got a lot of exposure and provided a real alternative choice for a change. Our volunteers and supporters gave so much… I was very surprised how much people were willing to give to our campaign in terms of donations and support. I am very thankful for this, as it helped us to push on throughout the last several months.
Heavenly and I have no regrets about running for city council. When we’ve talked about what we saw wrong in the city and how it should be different, people urged us to run. It was duty to run as I believe if you find something that really bothers you or something that should change, it’s your job on this earth to try to do something about it and that’s what we did. I’m proud of what we did.
Now for the future, Heavenly and I will continue to attend the city council meetings and anything else significant. We will also be looking for opportunities to find candidates to run as a Libertarian in ward 7 as well as other wards. Anyone interested in discussing this with us, please contact me. We learned a lot about the election and campaign process and I would be glad to share what we learned and even help manage your campaign.
Heavenly and I will also be restarting our Ethan Allen Radio podcast very shortly and I will be converting the campaign website into a blog site very shortly, come back often!
In fact, please sign up for our mailing list and we’ll let you know as soon as the site changes or our next podcast is available.
Also, if anyone would like my advice or help with issues or dealing with the city, please feel free to contact me. I would be glad to act as your “private” city councilor free of charge!
Again, a huge thanks to everyone who volunteered, donated and voted for me!
Jeremy Ryan