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  1. Charity
    July 5, 2006 @ 12:00 am

    My husband and I really want to move to New Hampshire.  I wouldn’t be surprised if we were there in the next two years.

    (VT liberals, hold your applause.)

    The change in the homeschool law makes it even more appealing.


  2. Denis Goddard
    July 6, 2006 @ 12:00 am

    My wife and I moved to Concord, NH last year. Were were never politically active back in California; what would be the point? Even the “terminator” failed to cut back that State’s out of control spending.

    In contrast, here in NH, we are fighting battles — and winning!

    On the Smoking Ban, we were opposed by the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, the American Heart Association, and a bunch of other groups that I used to think spent their money on finding *cures* for diseases — well, it turns out they spend at least as much on hiring professionaly lobbyists to bend the ear of *my* elected legislators!
    Against all their power — we, a band of just 2 dozen totally unpaid, hardcore believers in property rights and the freedom to make choices for oneself, even if they are bad ones — we BEAT THEM!

    We fought against “Real-ID”, too. In that case, we were fighting none other than the Federal Government in Washington DC, who sent their lobbyist-goons up here. We fought them to a total standstill. And you can bet we’re going to continue that fight this coming legislative session!

    People, there’s a PRO-FREEDOM PARTY happening in New Hampshire! Don’t miss out on all the fun!


  3. Russell Kanning
    July 6, 2006 @ 12:00 am

    NH is a great place. Now if we could only get Denis to stop talking.

    NH and VT will be much better off when they are independant of the Federal Government.

    We will race you to freedom.


  4. Webmistress of the Dark
    July 6, 2006 @ 12:00 am

    Our organization,, was the only dog in the fight until the good people of the FSP came along as reinforcements. We also have many candidates running as Democrats, supported by the State D’s as well.

    Please visit the newly redone as it contains all the reasons to move to NH and the First 1,000 signup info as well. There is even a neat slide show of the first gathering in NH in 2003, before it was called Porcupine Festival.

    We have a weekly radio show (running for 4 years now) that concerns all things that concern NH and the Towns and Cities herein.

    If you are just visiting and want to meet us at anytime, check the events at and you will see how socially connected we are.

    Hope you can make it here soon!


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