Congratuations to Rob Roper for winning the election! I’m hoping that he uses the seat to continue to push for more fiscal responsibility with government budgets as I believe this is the single biggest issue facing the state. The fact is our local and state budgets are unsunstainable. It seems that each time they determine a budget they do an increase and they claim that the increases are small. However, when we become reliant on increasing the actual tax rates on a continual basis you will eventually hit 100% of the people’s income… then what do you do?
Obviously the budget problems are because costs are out of control and that’s what needs to managed better. In the meantime, any form of caps that restrict increases to only inflation plus population increases, such as TABOR (Tax Payers Bill of Rights) will at least make the budgets more manageable. Rob Rober supports TABOR and I hope he continues to fight for caps on state and local government, and school budgets. This is what’s needed to help allow people to be able to continue to live here in their homes.
I have seen some other blogs say that Rob Roper is too far right and will push the Republican party further out of the mainstream and that he could be bad for the party’s future. I disagree. I think Rob Roper could bring principle back to the party. I think it’s only a matter of time before Vermonters do realize that what Libertarians and libertarian-leaning Republicans have been saying is true. It’s important for people to continue to stand for these beliefs and be there when people are ready to listen. Liberty always wins, eventually. 🙂
More Rob Roper coverage: