A Defensive Investment for Uncertain Times
With the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P 500 all hitting new highs on a regular basis, I’m starting to get more defensive in my investing.
With the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P 500 all hitting new highs on a regular basis, I’m starting to get more defensive in my investing.
As many of us know, this year’s Valentine’s activities were cut short by Mother Nature…Here I am, bundled up & helping shovel Jeremy has a post & pics I took the day of & after on Hello Burlington: Valentine’s Day Blizzard – Burlington, Vermont Thanks for subscribing to my feed! I always welcome comments, so […]
Yeah, due to some last minute saving maneuvers by some wonderful UVM students, a few events have been saved from the chopping block. My favorite is the ice sculptures.Click this link for some video footage I took of last year’s sculptures, near the ECHO center.Hosting courtesy of Hello Burlington. Thankfully this year, the sculptures will […]
Just received this from VPIRG (Vermont Public Interest Research Group): Global warming is all over the news, and has become the top issue of this legislative session, ski season and kitchen table conversations everywhere. But it will be up to the people of Vermont to ensure we find solutions that match the severity of the […]
When investing, you sometimes need patience. Especially when you invest in companies that are out of favor with wall street. However, it’s usually when wall street hates a stock, that it gets cheap.
Yeah, I know… long time no blog, since (glances at past blog entry) November! wow… anyways, here’s the 1st entry for ’07 Yup, announced on Ch. 3 last night: Burlington is putting the freeze on its annual winter festival. The snow sculpture contest and popular Penguin Plunge have helped attract people to the waterfront at […]
V (as portrayed by Hugo Weaving. – image from WikipediaJust a little reminder 401 years ago today Guy Fawkes Night occured, and even Wikipedia is listing the V for Vendetta movie(which is closely connected to the movie) as their featured article today. See my last post on V for Vendetta, and it is available on […]
In the midst of all the political campaigns this time of year, I Just thought I’d mention that our local Libertarian candidates are getting press coverage!: VPR Switchboard 10/19: Thurs., Oct. 19 at 7 p.m.: Minor Political PartiesMost of the attention this election season is on Vermont’s major party candidates. But those aren’t the only […]
Not all the Vermont TV campaign ads are about Sanders, Tarrant, Rainville, or Welch… as you just may see a unique candidate; From PayAttention.org, may I present Tacky Ceramic Rooster!Yup, last blog entry from the candidate on the campaign trail was right here in Burlington! Tacky Ceramic Rooster Credited For Pottery Surge BURLINGTON, Vt. – […]
In today’s Free Press New idea for Battery St. site Hopefully Monte is right, and the city will not lose any more money than it already had with the multi-modal plan.It’s kind of funny that this is the first mention of a project update about the building, and no mention of it on the local […]