Great news! All wards will have some choice this year…
Below are the candidates for each ward:
Ward 1 (2 races) Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 | Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 |
Click here for full list of all Burlington Candidates
My initial thoughts on the races are as follows:
Ward 2,3,4,6 – I believe the incumbents will most likely keep their seats in all these wards as they have quite strong support in their wards. Shannon has a good chance of also keeping her seat, but I think that a strong candidate could beat her.
At this time, I think that Dick Bove would be the best choice in Ward 1. For my ward, Ward 7, I would not be surprised if there is a run-off between Gutchell and Blais. I also believe that Ellie Blais has a good chance of winning back her seat in Ward 7.
These are just my initial thoughts and may change as the election progresses.
January 30, 2007 @ 12:00 am
Good one Jeremy! You scooped me! I didn’t get the list last night so now my blog looks like a dinosaur. I agree with your thoughts on Ward 7- but so much will depend on how much these three, relatively older candidates can get out and door-knock. I think yours and mine are the only two political blogs in Ward Seven…we may play a pivotal role…
January 30, 2007 @ 12:00 am
…Ooops! Sorry I meant yours, mine and Heavenly’s are the only political blogs in ward seven. (When I said “yours,” I meant “y’alls.” My bad.) What an exciting non-mayoral election year!
BTW- you forgot to mention the regular race in W1 with Sharon Bushor- the one uncontested race in the city…
January 30, 2007 @ 12:00 am
Hey Haik! I just corrected the omission of Bushor’s race… thanks for the letting me know.
Up until lately I’ve been so busy trying to get caught up on work. Now I finally have time early in the morning to do some blogging again, but Charity actually scooped us both as she was first to blog about contested races in all wards.
I was just mentioning to Heavenly about your point that we (the three of us) are the only political bloggers in ward 7… it surprises me that with all the politically active Republicans in wards 4 and 7 that none of them blog at all. However, I think that the “Jefferson Smith” blog on is a pseudonym for someone in ward 4 or 7, but I’m not sure.