D o w n s i z e r – D i s p a t c h This is important. Please, please, please, forward this message far and wide.
Quote of the Day:
“Should we wander in moments of error or alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps and regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty, and safety.”
– Thomas Jefferson, upon repealing the “Alien and Sedition Acts”
Subject: Support Ron Paul’s “American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007”
This is what we’ve been waiting for. Please forward this message far and wide. Make sure everyone knows about it. The “American Freedom Agenda Act” is a bill . . .
- Created by conservatives
- Supported by progressives
- And introduced in Congress by Representative Ron Paul, Republican of Texas.
The full text of this bill can be found on our Background page for this campaign. This legislation will . . .
- Repeal the “Military Commissions Act of 2007” and thereby restore the ancient right of habeas corpus and end legally sanctioned torture by U.S. government agents
- Restore the “Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act” (FISA) and thereby outlaw warrantless spying on American citizens by the President of the United States
- Give Congress standing in court to challenge the President’s use of “signing statements” as a means to avoid executing the nation’s laws
- Make it illegal for government agents to kidnap people and send them abroad to be tortured by foreign governments
- Provide legal protection to journalists who expose wrong-doing by the Federal government
- Prohibit the use of secret evidence to label groups or individuals as terrorists for the purpose of criminal or civil sanctions
This one simple 3-page bill will . . .
- Restore basic Constitutional protections
- Empower Americans to support human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in the world at large, free from the stink of hypocrisy
- Protect Americans and American soldiers from blowback by foreign powers in retaliation for our government’s transgression of America’s most hallowed principles
If ever there was a bill that all Americans should support, it is this one. Please send a message to your elected representatives asking them to co-sponsor the “American Freedom Agenda Act.”
Next, forward this message to friends and ask them to do the same. We need to flood Congress from all directions, and keep doing it until they bring this bill to a vote and pass it.
This bill has trans-partisan support. It comes from Ron Paul. It’s what we’ve been asking for. Let’s support this bill with everything we’ve got.
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.
D o w n s i z e r – D i s p a t c h
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November 8, 2007 @ 12:00 am
Vermont Sued for “Unclean Elections”…
Blazing Indiscretions http://www.blazingindiscretions.blogspot.com/ has an excellent story about the National Clean Elections Lawsuit which was officially launched this week. All 50 states are being sued!
While many towns in Vermont count the votes by hand, many do not. Currently, 94 towns will use Diebold AccuVote OS (optical-scan) machines in the next election representing more than 50% of the state’s registered voters.
Vermonters, it’s time to wake up!!! These machines are just as prone to errors, malfunctions and software attacks as their infamous counterpart; the touchscreen voting machines.
Read the Brennan Report if you don’t believe me, or just visit VotersUnite.org to review the most recent malfunctions that took place in actual elections. Some too close for comfort, like New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and the list goes on. *They use the same machines as us (Diebold AccuVote OS and the same programmer for the Diebold memory cards, LHS, Associates.)
What really concerns me though is that we will most likely never know if malfunctions or miscounts happen in Vermont because we rarely audit the election results. (There has only been one audit since Vt started using these machines and I’d hardly call it an audit)
Sure, we have paper ballots, but what’s the point of using them if they are never actually counted by hand or even audited for review.
Ted Selker, Cal Tech/MIT Voting Technology Project, summed up my feelings best when he said, “A common practice for local election officials is to let election companies run their election – make up their ballot, set up their machines, and even count their tallies. This is a dangerous practice.”